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Feedback, Comments and Complaints

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Values Statement
The Land Trust Accreditation Commission's values include integrity, accountability and service. In keeping with these values, the Commission is committed to an accreditation program that fosters public accountability for the Commission and for accredited land trusts. Accordingly a high value is placed on feedback received from stakeholders. The Commission has regularly adapted program requirements and application materials based on feedback from the land trust community and the experience of commissioners, more than three-quarters of whom are from accredited land trusts, in keeping with its commitment to continuous improvement.

How to Submit Feedback
The Commission invites you to submit your feedback about accreditation program policies, processes, documentation and requirements. There are many ways you can provide your feedback, including the following options.

  • Send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or to a specific staff member as desired.
  • Provide feedback as part of a conversation with a Commission staff member or commissioner.
  • Provide feedback in person as part of Commission-hosted workshops, feedback sessions, and/or office hours at Rally: The National Conservation Conference.
  • Respond to periodic applicant and accredited land trust surveys conducted by the Land Trust Alliance and/or the Commission.
  • Complete a feedback form via the Commission's website.

Land trusts are also welcome to call or email the Commission office to get answers to accreditation questions. A "help-desk" is staffed Monday – Friday during business hours.

What Happens to Your Feedback?
Once your feedback is received, it is reviewed by Commission staff (except as noted below). Actions and responses will vary depending on the nature of the issue, but feedback is generally addressed as follows.

  • Feedback relating to specific problems with completing application materials is addressed as quickly as possible.
  • Feedback about agendas for conference calls with the review team, additional information request letters, and other accreditation process documents are incorporated into future drafts as feasible.
  • Feedback about specific accreditation requirements are forwarded to the Commission's requirements committee and considered as part of the annual review of the Requirements Manual.
  • Feedback specifically related to standard(s) or individual practice(s) of Land Trust Standards and Practices are forwarded to the Land Trust Alliance, as the Alliance publishes the standards and designates the indicator practices.
  • Feedback pertaining to longer-term programmatic changes, changes in the accreditation application, policy changes, etc. are reviewed by the Commission and/or its committees as appropriate.
  • Feedback about specific staff and or commissioners is provided to the executive director and/or the Commission chair and is managed according to personnel policy and procedures.
  • Feedback about specific applicants or accredited land trusts is managed in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Applicant Handbook.

Opportunity to Submit Feedback to the Commission's Vice Chair
For matters that should not be reviewed by Commission staff, you can send your concerns directly to the Commission's vice chair by completing a feedback form on the Commission's website. The vice chair will review the feedback to determine what action, if any, is required.

If the vice chair determines that action is required, a recommendation will be made to the Commission's executive committee. The executive committee may take a variety of actions, including but not limited to the following.

  • Respond to the comment in writing.
  • Host a joint telephone call with commenter, the Alliance, and Commission.
  • Issue new or revised published material.
  • Recommend changes to Commission policy.
  • Discuss comments with appropriate staff members or commissioners.
  • Recommend training or other actions for Commission staff members and/or commissioners.
  • Recommend actions to Alliance.

Note: formal appeals of Commission accreditation decisions are managed according to the Commission's Appeals Policy and Procedures.


Approved June 5, 2007
Amended April 28, 2011
Amended February 9, 2014