
HomeAboutPoliciesMultiple Corporations and Accreditation

Multiple Corporations and Accreditation

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  • If your organization has a related entity, such as a supporting organization or an LLC, you will need to provide information at the Basic or Intermediate level in your first-time or renewal application. See the Commission’s policy. This policy helps ensure that all accredited organizations meet the accreditation requirements and safeguards the integrity of the accreditation seal.
  • Basic: Generally applies to related entities that hold (or intend to hold) land or conservation easements but do not meet the accreditation eligibility requirements or may not be in the regular business of acquiring and stewarding land.
  • Intermediate: Generally applies to related entities that meet the accreditation eligibility requirements; this applies to many supporting organizations and wholly-owned subsidiaries.

The policy does not apply to activities such as co-holding, fiscal sponsorships, or agreements with community foundations.

Step 1: Contact the Commission

Contact the Commission early in the accreditation process to discuss the details of the corporations and to request a determination on the level of information required (basic or intermediate). Plan ahead, as it may take several weeks for a final determination. Commission staff will likely ask these questions.

  • Is the related entity eligible for accreditation? 
  • What is the tax-exempt status of the related entity? 
  • How many conservation properties or easements does the related entity hold? 
  • What is the relationship between the applicant/accredited land trust and the related entity?

Step 2: Register

Once you have received your determination from the Commission, include the information as requested on the the applicant/accredited land trust's registration form (first-time and renewal). 

Step 3: Provide Required Information at Pre-Application

First-Time Pre-application for Multiple Corporation

Please reference first-time pre-application and attachements

Renewal Pre-application for Multiple Corporation

Incorporated into the online renewal pre-application for the accredited land trust; see the reference copy of the renewal application materials.  

Step 4: Provide Required Information at Application

The land trust will receive an invoice for the accreditation fee, including the fees for related entities, after its pre-application is submitted.

First-Time Application for Multiple Corporation

Please reference first-time pre-application and attachements

Renewal Application for Multiple Corporation

Incorporated into the online renewal pre-application for the accredited land trust; see the reference copy of the renewal application materials.